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Top 10 Things to do before I go back to work...
Maternity Leave is OVER! It's been about two months since Chase Austin and I have met and it is now time for Mommy and Baby to separate. The time was well spent with my brothers wedding, my baby shower, his great grandmother visiting, his grandmother being on vacation, lots of family members around and friends visiting, and of course Thanksgiving in Massachusetts.
It has been a nice long break. But, BEFORE I JUMP INTO THE WORK GRINDER, I'd like to entertain you (whoever you are lol) with the top 10 things I'd like to do (this weekend) before I go back to work (Monday, lol).
1. PEDICURE (in all caps because it IS that serious). I love getting pedicures, and I love getting pedicures at a local nail salon "Perfect Nails" (Yonkers) because for $26 you get a spa pedicure and massage up to your knees. My favorite part is the exfoliating scrub that is included.
2. Eyebrows waxed. I am not one to inflict pain on myself, so I go to Vivian in the Bronx who really hooks a sista' up. She always does a fine job of waxing your brows to flatter your face. When my hair is not freshly done, I like to at least shape up the brow.
3. Go to the Movies. Geez, I have not been to the movies in FOREVER (May is forever to me lol). I want to see at least one of the following: Flight, SKYFALL, life of PI, silver lining! (love romantic comedy's and Love Bradley Cooper).
4.My Laundry which I must say includes packing away the clean clothes!! (enough said, lol)
5.Yoga, I must have 20 exercise videos (thank you School Specialty, lol) and about 10 of them are yoga flicks (well they are flicks until you actually do the exercises). When I was preggo I did one prenatal class and I must say I had a nice strong bounce when I walked out of there.
6.Make another casserole I am in the pursuit of my best casserole ever lol. A couple days ago, I made a macaroni Ziti style casserole and I was impressed!! Prep time is always enjoyable and then when it's over the house smells yummy and you can share it with everyone.
7.Count how many loose pictures I have lying around. I've been doing some rearranging (story of my life) and I have tons of loose pictures in boxes in my room and in the basement (ok "tons" is either an exaggeration or a scary truth :-))
8. Research how to hang a collage of frames. I said in my Team Chase Blog, that I would have this done by Christmas. I would also like to at least choose two pics I want to blow up and place the order.
9. Publish 4 more posts to this blog. I've started some posts over the last couple of weeks that I'd like to share, and I've temporarily abandoned my Kickoff Project and today is the last day of the month. Yikes!
10. Give my baby a nice Sunday Morning bath. I reserve Sunday mornings for his lavish scrubbing, lol, complete with a olive oil de-flake-er (he has cradle cap) and relaxing shampoo.
Thank you for entertaining me by reading about my Top Ten things. If you had some time off from work and did some interesting things before heading back please share, Or even if you have a comment on any of my pretty mundane list lol, I'd love to read them!
{ps. I realize I've written, "lol" 1 time too many, I actually entertain myself consider this my disclaimer,lol}
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